ISEC - Indian Socio Economic Classification


Socio-economic classification is the foundation of any targeted consumer understanding. ISEC helps to classify households to better understand consumer behaviours and inform strategy on communication, product and pricing for marketeers. 

ISEC informs both marketing research and social studies as a navigational tool through the complex realm of consumer classification.

  The New Socio-Cultural Outlook - Introducing ISEC

  [VIDEO] Panel discussion held on 21st February 2024

  [WEBINAR] Using the ISEC classification, 5th April 2024

  Classification Grid in PDF (updated on 14th March 2024)

  Classification Grid  in Excel (updated on 14th March 2024)

  ISEC Distribution in Excel (added on 6th May 2024)



  1. Questionnaire Face-to-face [Word format] (updated on 14th March 2024)

  2. Questionnaire Online [Word format] (updated on 21st March 2024)

  Occupation Coding Directory 

  1. Overview of guidelines for coding Occupation 

  2. Detailed guidelines for coding Occupation 

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