Is it One Day or Day One? In the recent past, all of humanity has had to re-evaluate everything from the smallest behaviours to the largest decisions given the unprecedented challenges of our times. We continue to face newer challenges everyday. However, post all this, one thing is clear that we will be entering a new world - one with new possibilities, new imagination and new challenges.
At MRSI, our constant endeavour is to push the envelope, create impact, inspire and most importantly, encourage brave new thinking that will have a positive effect on brands, consumers, society and the planet. Given that the world is on a bumpy journey to a new destination, this becomes essential.
We have picked 3 core values for 2021 - Inspiration, Boldness and Innovation.
With this ongoing journey of Transformation - we are making a change to invite ideas that have shown results as well as powerful ideas not yet reached their destination but are very promising. At the 29th Annual Market Research Seminar we continue to celebrate thought leadership and academic rigour.
So, this Seminar is not about looking back but it aims to speak a new language- a language of the new world and the new times. Yesterday is heavy…so let us put it down.
The theme for the Seminar 2021 is DO THE NEW.