India - an attractive hub for global data & insights capability centres

MRSI Wednesday Webinars - 19th Jul 2023


About the Topic
Why is India the perfect hub for global data and insights capability centres? With its progressive policies, vast talent pool, and thriving ecosystem, India offers unparalleled opportunities for organizations aiming to establish centres of excellence.
India has emerged as a frontrunner in this domain, making it an attractive destination for organizations seeking to establish their centres of excellence.

In this Wednesday Webinar, you will hear about:
- India's progressive policies working to build an ecosystem purposed towards innovation and growth.
- Leveraging India's talent and expertise where these centres drive business growth, innovation, research, and development.
- Transformation of global capability centres from process-oriented to innovation-driven entities over the past decade.
- The future landscape of capability centres in India and continued expansion with ongoing investments in R&D.
-  Exposure in India and its advantages toward capability centres.
- Testing products in the dynamic Indian market and the cohesive valuable insights that have been adopted.
- Access to real-world challenges and collaboration with industry experts and their impact.

India's capabilities make it an ideal hub for global data and insights centres.